Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Rotten but honest about it

Today Genevieve was curled up on my lap and Imogen came over and attempted to kiss her cheek. Genevieve turned away, blocking her face with her arm. Imogen simply walked away with a hurt expression. I whispered to Genevieve that perhaps she could be kinder to her sister, who was, after all, only being sweet to her.

Not being a fast learner, Imogen tried again a few minutes later, only to be pushed away by Genevieve again. I was annoyed, and dispatched Genevieve from my lap, saying "Fine. I will give Imogen a hug then."

Genevieve plopped down on the floor and proceeded to cry about this unwelcome turn of events.

"What is wrong?"

"You hurt my feelings," she cried.

"What about Imogen's feelings?" I asked. "Don't you care about those?" Wrong question.

"No," she said tearfully.

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