Thursday, July 12, 2007

How to make a child cry

There are plenty of ways to make a child cry. Easy ways like taking their toys away when they won't pick them up or grounding them from candy when they eat all of their Easter candy in one afternoon. You can try for something challenging like a sad story, but really, you'll have more success just telling them to clean their room before they can watch a movie.

Or, you can go with the tried and true, like saying "na na na-na na". It's old fashioned, almost quaint, and like many things that have stood the test of time, it works.

And frankly, I'm sick of it. I hear from Genevieve at minimum, two or three times a day. "Imogen said 'na na na-na na' to me!" As if I care. Even a little. I held my fingers about a millimeter apart and said "I don't even care this much." I was rewarded with the Glare of Death, which would be fine if the message would sink in, but no, the battle rages on.

So I've taken matters into my own hands. So you happen to be at my house any time soon and hear me taunting my children with a loud "Na na na-na na!" do not be alarmed. It's my new strategy. I'm hoping to overuse this expression (for lack of a better word) until it ceases to have any meaning whatsoever. Until then, I'll have children spontaneously bursting into tears and complaining that I've hurt their feelings.

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