Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back in school

Imogen, Genevieve and I all started school on Monday. This is my last semester. Unless I have a total nervous breakdown, I'll graduate in May. The girls both have quite a few years left ahead of them.

Life gets so busy. I try to snatch as much time as I can to play with them, talk to them. We write notes to each other on the wipe off board side of their easel. "I love you mommy! I hope you have a good day!" And I write a reply. The notes are repetitive and not necessary, since we see each other several times a day, but they always make me smile when I see them. And usually make them come and hug me when they see them.

Imogen handed me a note today that she meant to give me at Christmas. It said something like, "MeRrY cHrIsTmAs MoMmY! I think fish are boing this too! I love you! ImOgEn" Then there was a drawing of two stick men holding hands and they were labeled "Me" and "You". Very random child...

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