Monday, October 22, 2007

My evening...

It's raining, but my evening got a lot more wet when Imogen noticed a Sonic and inexplicably became hysterical because we had not gone there in a long time. Imogen gets like this sometimes. Not about Sonic, but hysterical for no good reason. Usually after a night of not enough sleep. The next day, she runs out of steam and fixates on something minor and is completely irrational about it. There's no talking her out of it. If you demand loudly enough that she drop it, she will move on to some other utterly insignificant issue so it's no use even trying to cheer her up. Imogen was informed (as she sobbed about her lack of french fries) that she was being unreasonable and that she needs to pick up her room.

Also this evening, Jeremy was helping me cook dinner and he said, "I just don't understand how you can fail to appreciate the benefits of well chopped ground beef."

I laughed hysterically before informing him that it's not that I dislike well chopped ground beef. It's just that I'm not particularly passionate about it.

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