My kids are in various stages of being grounded from various things for various crimes. Genevieve asked when she would be ungrounded from sweets.
"Saturday," I said.
"Nooo," she whined.
"How about Sunday," I said, thinking my voice conveyed an adequate level of warning.
"Sunday! Ok!" she said, giggling excitedly, and secretly congratulating herself on her negotiation skills. (Future politicians of the world, beware.)
Imogen decided to get in on the act.
"When am *I* ungrounded from sweets?"
"Saturday," I said, bored to death of this conversation.
"Saturday is too far away," she said.
"How about Sunday," I said, hoping it would work again. But Imogen's been getting days-of-the-week lessons at school.
"How about tomorrow? Tomorrow would help," she said. Help what? She already got to eat piles of candy for Valentine's Day. I don't feel sorry for her at all.
Then there's the bagel/donut controversy. Imogen, for the life of her, can not, ever, remember that a donut is a donut. I can see the mixup. Both a small round bread with a hole in the center. She sees a Krispy Kreme truck and it's "Look! A bagel truck!"
So, yesterday, I knew Imogen would come home with lots of candy and cookies and I felt bad for Genevieve (Genevieve got grounded from sweets today, while Imogen's been grounded from sweets since Monday). So we went to the DONUT shop and got a couple DONUTS. Genevieve didn't like her's, but it goes against the Code of the Kid to admit that about something that's chocolate with chocolate icing with more sprinkles plastered to it than the average grocery store stocks in the baking aisle. So she puts it in the fridge to "save it for later". It sat in there getting less appetizing by the moment (donuts don't keep very well) and Imogen was positively obsessing about the thing. I had to hear almost constant requests to go to the "place where I bought the bagel" and so that I could "get her a bagel of her own".
So finally Genevieve pulls the stupid thing out of the fridge and earns all kinds of brownie points sharing this day and a half old nasty donut that she didn't like in the first place with her sister, who scarfs it down and then asks me if we can go back to the bagel shop to get more.
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