Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Shopping trip

Jeremy's grandmother loves to spoil. She sent Valentine's Day cards for each of the girls with two dollars in them. Jeremy told them they could spend them money on whatever they wanted themselves.

So today we get around to doing that. We walk into Walmart and I ask them what they want to buy.

"Can I buy whatever I want?" Imogen asks.
"Yes," I say.
"Can I buy gum?" she asks. Now, gum has been the ultimate forbidden fruit, ever since I picked some out of Genevieve's hair. If I buy some, I don't share it. If I let them pick something out at the store to get, I veto gum. When they ask when they can get gum, I tell them when they're 18.
"Yes," I say, "You can get gum."

So we pick out gum and more candy and we proceed to tell anyone who has the misfortune of wandering within six feet of us all about this. Long explanations of the choice of gum and candy along with who's paying for it and how they got the money follow. It's cute but embarrassing.

But on the other hand, how sweet that $2 each can totally make their day. Such innocence that buying gum and candy themselves is so very COOL. As Genevieve proclaimed "I can buy whatever I want."

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