Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pink eye again!

Imogen woke up with a raging case of pink eye yesterday. She had to miss a field trip to the zoo with school. Her eyes are badly swollen and nasty gunky. I had to get up past midnight last night to clean them up because she couldn't open them. I'm going to be SO mad if I get it because that will mean that the germs just LEPT from her face onto mine. I won't touch my face with my hands and I wash them like I'm going to perform brain surgury every time I mess with her eyes. Need... lotion... On the other hand, Genevieve has no such qualms and I'm beginning to think that if she rubbed her eyes directly onto Imogen's, she wouldn't get it. Two encounters with pink eye in the last month or so and she hasn't gotten anything.

I really hope this goes away quickly or we're going to run out of the teeny tiny smidgen of eyedrops I got charged $50 for. Grrr...

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