A couple months ago the girls were playing outside and they piled up a bunch of sticks on the back porch and pretended to be camping. I felt sorry for them but not sorry enough to try to sleep on the ground for a night or two so we decided to have a cookout, and then go home to our nice squishy beds. We held it last night at Mary's farm and brought hot dogs and made smores. The girls thought it was the best thing that had ever happened to them.

We got there before sunset and ate hot dogs.

Dave built a fire... you know, just like cave men and pioneers used to do it...

Playing with sparklers.

My camera doesn't like taking pictures with the flash off.

By the time we were on the freeway on our way home, I looked behind me and saw this.
"Dave built a fire... you know, just like cave men and pioneers used to do it..."
I don't think cave men and pioneers used a flame thrower to get their fire going. ;)
You'd think you'd be accustomed to Rachael's sarcasm by now... :)
She has trouble turning it off sometimes.... It does make her a more lively read though.
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