We went to the zoo recently with some friends from Imogen's school. The girls had tons of fun and have already asked to go back.

At the zoo they have these boxes where you can put in your "zoo key" and they will sing an informative song about the animals nearby.

The day we went to the zoo was the day after Genevieve got her latest stitch. You can see it just by her left eye. The bruising under her eye only got worse. You can see some slight bruising under her right eye from unrelated accidents (yes, plural) that also got worse so that for several days she was walking around with two black eyes. I'm going to get reported for child abuse one of these days, I just know it. I got so sick of her hurting herself a few days ago that I gave her a notebook and a pencil and made her sit in a chair and not leave it for a while. I'm shocked she didn't find a way to accidentally stab herself with the pencil.

Imogen on the train. She's got such a fabulous smile when she's not trying so hard to smile.
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