Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Genevieve's head

Genevieve's head had a hard day yesterday. When we got home from the grocery store I was unloading the bags in the back of the van. My hands were full and I turned to close the back door to the van with my elbow. Just as I pushed it down, hard, she rounded the corner behind me and the door landed on her head.

She crashed into a few walls at home as well. Then the dresser fell on her for the second day in a row. Then Neil was swinging Imogen around and Genevieve wandered too close and thier heads made contact.

So, if she wanders around in a kind of daze or if you see her with a football helmet on, you know why.


Anonymous said...

Genevieve, I am so sorry, but I laughed so hard over this when I was reading it out loud to Caleb, Haydee, Samuel, and Lydia, that they all were laughing even though they could barely understand me. I had to take deep breaths and read it again for their benefit, and I still laughed picturing you in a football helmet!

Imogen said...
