Imogen watched this trailer.
She said, "So, basically... she dyed her hair?"
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Sunday, November 07, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My hair

I had red put into my hair when I was in Texas. But I can't tell when I'm inside. They show up really well in the sun and it's usually not till people see me in the sunlight that they actually notice. Anyway, so I was trying to get a decent picture of what it looked like outside, which is harder than you think on a windy day.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Our caterpillars have arrived!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Crystals, part 3

I think I'm sick of growing crystals now. And I think the novelty has finally worn off for the girls. I'm completely out of Epsom salt, I've cleaned up salt messes on a regular basis and now I'm sitting here wondering what exactly I'm going do with these stupid things. The girls seem emotionally attached to them for some reason. I wish the sugar crystals had worked so that I could let them eat them.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Color lesson...

I can talk about color fairly extensively so I decided to give the girls a lesson. I got out a box of crayons, created a color wheel and talked about how colors interact with each other.

Then I drew six hearts on a piece of poster board and had them choose colors from one half of the color wheel and color the hearts.

Then we chose watercolor paint and painted over the whole thing. The wax from the crayons would not mix with the water from the paint.

This ended up looking really cool (better than the pictures) because the paint filled in tiny areas in the hearts that hadn't been colored and (being in complimentary colors) really made the uneven edges of the heart pop out.

Then they colored with a white crayon in areas they wanted to keep.

These are beautiful in person with a lot of subtlety. They loved this project.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Ballet class

Genevieve's ballet studio is located in a building that serves as a general arts facility. For some reason, ballet is the thing we are always rushing to get to on time. She's yanking on her shoes and running into class at the last second or even a couple minutes late. Being an on time type of person, this kind of thing drives me nuts. But this week we managed to make it early enough to walk around and look at the art on display. Both of my kids take a perverse pleasure in ruining my pictures and these are my least blurry. I suppose I should just use the flash but I thought I had enough light from the big windows if they would just stand still for a fraction of a second but noooo...
Thursday, October 21, 2010
... but not every ant truly lives.
Today we ordered ants to go in our new ant farm as well as caterpillar larva (larvae?) to go in our new butterfly pavilion. We discussed how we would eventually free the butterflies (not sure how that's going to work in Missouri winter but I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it). Imogen asked if we would free the ants as well. I said no, they would live out their lives in our ant farm and eventually die. Genevieve said, "Every ant dies... once in a lifetime."
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Crystal growing Part 2
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
We're back from Texas
Friday, October 08, 2010
Growing crystals

Last week we tried and completely failed to grow sugar crystals. I don't think I had the water saturated enough. This week we moved on to salt.

We decided to try table salt, rock salt and Epsom salt. The Epsom salt dissolved the most easily. The rock salt was rather difficult to dissolve.

We made shapes with pipe cleaners and hung them in the jars. We labeled our jars and will wait a few weeks to see what happens.

So far the Epsom salt jar is growing crystals but the other two aren't doing as well. The water will be more and more concentrated as the water evaporates, so we'll see what happens.
Thursday, October 07, 2010
Genevieve is 8... kind of

Her real birthday isn't till Monday, but we're leaving for Texas this weekend and she'd rather celebrate it before the trip than after. Of course. These are her birthday cookies. She wanted them rather than cake. Probably because of what Faith and I did on Elijah's birthday...

Basketweave project

First we painted paper with tempera paint. I had a specific idea for this project and knew as soon as the paint started going on the paper that it wouldn't work. The colors we chose were too bright and garish. Some of them seemed to vibrate against each other. Nope, wouldn't work for my previous idea, but I hated to waste the paper they had worked so hard on painting. So I cut it into strips.

I had them start weaving the strips of paper together.

This is easier if you start at the middle and work your way out.

We glued the whole thing down on poster board when it was finished and trimmed the edges. It was a simple project that only took us a couple days to do (one day to paint, another to weave) but they had a lot of fun with it. When I first presented them with a stack of cut up paper they were doubtful but once they started overlapping the strips, it started looking interesting and they loved it.
Elijah's Birthday

We had Elijah's third birthday at my house. Little kid birthdays are pretty much the same thing. They always get overexcited, which causes them to be overtired. Elijah wasn't sure about all the attention. He opened one gift and decided it was the coolest gift ever. So he's got a room full of adults staring at him waiting for the rest of the gifts to be opened. We had to trick him into putting the first gift down and we hid it for the rest of the day. We're so mean.

He got a sword which he decided was also pretty cool. His uncles thought it was cool too, and ended up playing with it more than the birthday boy.

What's better than a two tiered birthday cake? A four tiered birthday cake. This was one of those things that pops into your head... "Hey, I happen to have an extra cake mix and frosting on hand." And then as soon as the cake was made we were wondering what in the world world we were thinking. Seven adults and three children attended this party. And no, it didn't get eaten. Not even close.
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Pictures Imogen took

It turns out, giving your kid a camera is a fascinating thing. Imogen got one for her birthday.

It's not an amazing camera by any means. She takes mostly blurry shots of the dog. Or Elijah.

But it's amazing to see life from her perspective. From the back seat of the van, on our way to Genevieve's ballet class.

She took a picture of her shadow. She was bored, waiting for ballet to be over.

Again, in the van.

Faith, tired from working, crashes between shifts.

Lots of pictures of her sister.
Friday, January 01, 2010
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