For a while now, Imogen has been very concerned about the lack of snow in her life. Sure, when she was two or three it snowed a lot and she got to play around in it. However, these are, apparently, the golden years of her childhood, and until yesterday, she had not had a few key experiences. At times, it would snow, but not enough for a snowball fight or snowman construction. She was literally worried that she would grow up without having done these things and they would no longer be fun for her. It seems like an odd thing for a seven year old to stress about, but tragedy has been averted. Here is photographic proof...

That Imogen and Genevieve have made a snowman. A very lumpy one. They named him Snowy. Imogen has always been a believer in the most obvious and literal name possible.

That they had a snowball fight. This consisted of them throwing snowballs toward each other and mostly missing and at Jeremy, who caught them and threw them back.

And that snow angels were made. The snow was rather slushy at this point and was laying on top of a layer of ice from the previous ice/sleet/freezing rain extravaganza. But it doesn't matter! We have the photograph of the snow angel making! Our snow memories are complete.