Wednesday, February 28, 2007

This week so far...


Genevieve walked into the kitchen after we told her to brush her hair with her hair neatly brushed and wet as usual, and smelling strange; not as usual. The smell was familiar... I tried to ask what it was and her big eyes got bigger and she said nothing. This is a bad sign. I knew for sure that it was a bathroom product of some sort. So I went to the bathroom to investigate. I found my facial toner on the counter, cap off and a good two inches emptier than usual. I tried to be angry but I was laughing too hard.


I'm sitting outside of my Art History class waiting for it to start when my cell phone rings. It's Genevieve's day care. The director says she's fallen and hit her face and she needs stitches. She ended up with six stitches next to her eye (I'll post a picture later). That was about the least fun I've had in a while.


I get a phone call from Imogen's school saying to come pick her up a little early because she had just vomited on her desk. I walked into the office to see her sitting on the bench holding a small trash can on her lap.

Wenesday, 4:45 pm:

Still waiting for today's little dose of disaster.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

School, etc

Imogen commented that in chapel at school she gets to sit next to the teacher a lot. She paused to consider this, then commented "It's probably becauase I'm so good all the time." Jeremy and I just looked at each other and laughed.

I'm SURE that's the reason the teacher has my child sit next to her. My child who has gotten in trouble all last week for humming during lectures. My child who's solution for other people talking when she wants to talk is to simply talk louder (and start over so that they catch everything you want to say). My very squirmy child who sometimes forgets not to play with her friends.

However, her teacher also assures me that she's doing very very well in school. She reads quickly without sounding out most of the words, only the longer ones. I've barely lifted a finger to make her practice reading, beyond buying plenty of books for her to practice on. I'll get up in the morning and she'll be in bed with the light on reading instead of getting ready for school.

As for Genevieve, she makes the oddest off the wall observations. We were driving around the other day and out of the blue she says "Babies are smaller than trash cans, that are bigger than the trash can that is in my room." ??? I mean, what do you even SAY to that??

Sunday, February 04, 2007

You can teach a kid anything

I have this huge art book laying around for an art history class and I flipped to a couple paintings thinking I could teach the girls some of them. They learned the Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa and the Van Gogh painted Starry Night. I taught them this months ago. Yesterday we were cleaning up the living room and Genevieve came across some junk mail that we had let them play with. It was a credit card offer and it had a picture of several different credit cards on it with the various customizations you could get.

"Starry night!" she said. We all stopped working. She was pointing to one of the tiny credit cards. Jeremy and I bent over to look. Indeed, the design on the credit card was a piece of Starry Night.

They also sort of know the names of the president, vice president, secretary of state and speaker of the house. Meaning, they often need hints, but then, we've only been working on that for a few days. Imogen didn't want to learn the secretary of state's name because she's not in the line of succession (as far as her mother knows anyway). :)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Bambi is lame

I just spent a gift card from my mother for Christmas and one of the things I got was the movie Bambie for the girls.

I'd forgotten how lame it was. Or actually, I didn't realize just how lame it is. Don't get me wrong, the girls love it. Imogen was beside herself with excitement when it arrived. They also got Cars but nooo, they won't watch that one. They've been giggling at this girlie-named-deer's antics the whole movie.

There's these long musical numbers. And they aren't Lion King, Little Mermaid music numbers that you can actually sing to. Bambi's mother is annoying. I think she's drugged. She speaks in this stupid monotone saying these wise-sounding-but-not lines. "Man... is in the forrest..." and "Winter has come." Thank you Lady Obvious. Fortunately, dialogue in general is rare this movie.

Then there's the scene where she dies. The farmer shoots, misses. She runs away... He continues to shoot and miss, finally, he manages to chase her down and land a shot. Now, deer in the forrest are pretty fast, so I'm not sure how this was accomplished. You never see the hunter, and I've concluded that he managed to chase her down in his flying spacecraft.

Hey, I know some people are into this movie. I remember as a child I wasn't too into it as well, and I attempt not to impose too much of my taste on my kids unless they like something so awful I worry about it permanently damaging them. :)