The girls are in deep doodoo. Yesterday between stealing cookies and vandalizing the dog's dinner (again), they managed to fight constantly and paint the bathroom (and Genevieve's face) with mascara. (This is but a partial list of crimes.)
So, they're in trouble today. Besides being grounded from sweets and movies and... something else, I forget... they have to sit in their little blue chairs all afternoon. We got home around 12:30 and will not leave here untill around 5. That's four and a half hours. A long time to sit and do nothing, even for an adult. For two squirmy kids, this is torment.
I like it. It's long and painful, but not physically. It's slow and monotinous, it just drags on and on. They aren't allowed to stand up. They cheat and move the chairs around a bit but they know better than the leave my presence. They aren't allowed toys so they have the most inane conversations, like listing all the places they want to sleep some day. "I want to sleep in a tent some day. I want to sleep in a water bottle some day." They play stupid games like blowing in each other's faces, and stomping on each other's feet. They ask constantly what time it is. Genevieve gets excited every time the second hand gets to the five, but Imogen reitterates that that doesn't mean it's 5:00.
Imogen was upset on the way home when she was told how she would spend her afternoon. I reminded her of all the things she was grounded from.
Crying, she said "Just because we're grounded doesn't mean you have to NOT let us!"
I said "Actually, that's exactly what it means."
Still crying, she said "I need lots of hugs."
Watching her, Genevieve tried to muster up some tears.
Friday, March 31, 2006
Monday, March 27, 2006
Pretend bathrooms
The girls recieved a playhouse for Genevieve's birthday this last year. It's very cute and very nice with a little doorway and window and a porch and everything. The girls love to play outside in it. All kinds of pretending happens. Today they decided to pretend they had a bathroom in thier little playhouse. The only thing on hand was a couple of buckets from thier sandbox. No problemo, apparently. They may have been pretending, but we found REAL pee in the buckets. I told Imogen I was baffled. She agreed that it was indeed very baffling.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Imogen: "Mommy, when I'm five and I go to school and I'm still five, I will tell Mrs. ------- that I'm five."
Sometimes I really just don't know what to say to my kid.
Sometimes I really just don't know what to say to my kid.
Tea and whiteness
Genevieve was drinking the very last bit of tea out of the pitcher when I noticed her staring at the bottom of her cup. There were little flecks of black, tea grounds or leaves or whatever mysterious substance it is in tea bags. Then I noticed the look of horrified revulsion on her face, as if it was rabbit turds in her cup.
"It's ok," I said. "It's tea leaves." Relief washed over her face at my calm reaction. I sat there wishing I had screamed and insisted it was baby spiders.
"It's yucky," she said, much reassured.
A couple days ago I was doing Imogen's hair for school. She stood looking at us both in the mirror and said "We're not the same white, Mommy. I'm bright white."
"It's ok," I said. "It's tea leaves." Relief washed over her face at my calm reaction. I sat there wishing I had screamed and insisted it was baby spiders.
"It's yucky," she said, much reassured.
A couple days ago I was doing Imogen's hair for school. She stood looking at us both in the mirror and said "We're not the same white, Mommy. I'm bright white."
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Genevieve's head
Genevieve's head had a hard day yesterday. When we got home from the grocery store I was unloading the bags in the back of the van. My hands were full and I turned to close the back door to the van with my elbow. Just as I pushed it down, hard, she rounded the corner behind me and the door landed on her head.
She crashed into a few walls at home as well. Then the dresser fell on her for the second day in a row. Then Neil was swinging Imogen around and Genevieve wandered too close and thier heads made contact.
So, if she wanders around in a kind of daze or if you see her with a football helmet on, you know why.
She crashed into a few walls at home as well. Then the dresser fell on her for the second day in a row. Then Neil was swinging Imogen around and Genevieve wandered too close and thier heads made contact.
So, if she wanders around in a kind of daze or if you see her with a football helmet on, you know why.
Sunday, March 12, 2006

The girls looked so cute in thier dresses that I took pictures of them before I went and had pictures made of them. The Sears pictures turned out great for anyone who hasn't seen them yet. (Mom, I'll try to mail your's to you, ASAP!)
Neither girl lays down for naps anymore, but sometimes, Genevieve will still crash. She's still a bit of a baby. :)
Spilled milk

Imogen is getting insanely tall. She wears a size six or 6x, though that shirt is a size seven and since she's so tall, she definitely wears a seven in dresses. Genevieve is still a size 3, though she'll wear fours in t-shirts and dresses which can be long/roomy. I like to buy the biggest size I can so I don't have to replace clothes as often. I'm cheap that way. ;) But Genevieve's little butt still needs a three in shorts and pants.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Got the girls' pictures taken at Sears. They look awesome!
Otherwise, I need to get Imogen to stop being so friendly. I swear, she just runs up to people and starts having all these conversations with them and the person doesn't even know how to react to it.
Otherwise, I need to get Imogen to stop being so friendly. I swear, she just runs up to people and starts having all these conversations with them and the person doesn't even know how to react to it.
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